

词汇 sponsor
sponsorspon·sor1 /ˈspɑnsər /


  1. (business商业) a person or an organization that helps to pay for a special sports event, etc. or pays for an event or program to be broadcast on television (usually so that it can advertise its products)(体育赛事、电视节目等的)赞助者,赞助商
  1. (politics政治) a person who suggests or supports a proposal for a new law(新法案的)发起人,提议者,支持者She is a chief sponsor of the new anti-drug legislation.她是新的反毒品法的主要倡议者。
  1. a person who agrees to pay money to a charity if someone else completes a particular activity为慈善活动捐资的人;义赛(或义演等)捐款者I need sponsors for a marathon in aid of cancer research.我需要为资助癌症研究的马拉松赛捐款的人。

sponsorspon·sor2 /ˈspɑnsər /


  1. (business商业) (used about a company, etc.) to pay the costs of a particular event, program, etc. as a way of advertising(公司等)赞助sports events sponsored by the insurance industry由保险业赞助的体育赛事
  1. to arrange for something official to take place主办;举办;促成The U.S. is sponsoring negotiations between the two sides.美国正在安排双方的谈判。
  1. to agree to give someone money for a charity if he / she completes a particular task赞助(某人)参加慈善活动Will you sponsor me for a charity walk I'm doing?我准备参加慈善步行活动,请您捐款好吗?a sponsored walk / swim为慈善筹款的徒步走/游泳
  1. to support someone by paying for his / her training or education资助(某人)接受培训(或教育)She found a company to sponsor her through college.她找到一家公司可资助她完成大学学业。
  1. (politics政治) to introduce a proposal for a new law, etc.倡议,提交,发起(新法案等)The bill was sponsored by a Republican senator.这项议案是一位共和党参议员提交的。
spon·sor·ship /ˈspɑnsərʃɪp /


[uncountable] Corporate sponsorship has brought millions of dollars into tennis.企业对网球的赞助达到了数百万美元。




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