

词汇 spoil
🔑spoilspoil /spɔɪl /


  1. [transitive] to make something useless or unsuccessful, or not as good as before破坏;糟蹋;毁掉The new apartment building will spoil the view.新公寓大楼将会破坏这一带的风景。Our vacation was spoiled by bad weather.天气不好,毁了我们的假期。Eating between meals will spoil your appetite.正餐之间吃东西会影响食欲。
  1. [transitive] to do too much for someone, especially a child, so that you have a bad effect on his / her character溺爱;娇惯;宠坏His grandmother spoils him by buying him all the candy he wants.他的祖母溺爱他,他想要什么糖果都买给他。
  1. [intransitive](used about food) to begin to decay and therefore not be good to eat or drink(食物)变坏,变质These vegetables have spoiled.这些蔬菜已经坏了。
  1. [transitive] to treat someone / yourself very well for a certain period of time in order to make this person / yourself happy(在一段时间内)善待,格外关照Sometimes I spoil my wife and take her breakfast in bed.有时我格外关照妻子,会把早点给她端到床上。




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