

词汇 wipe sth (off)
wipe sth (off) to clean or dry something by rubbing it with a cloth, piece of paper, etc.擦;抹;拭Wipe your hands on the towel.用毛巾擦擦手。to wipe your nose on a handkerchief用手帕擦擦鼻子Could you wipe off the counter?你能擦一下柜台吗?➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Clean is a general word for removing dirt from something. * clean 泛指清除某物上的污垢。If you wash something, you clean it with water and often soap. * wash 指用水清洁某物,一般用肥皂洗。You can wipe a surface by rubbing it with a wet cloth; you dust a surface by rubbing it with a dry cloth. * wipe 表示用湿布擦拭物体表面,dust 指用干布掸去灰尘。If you brush something, you clean it with a brush that has a short handle; if you sweep the floor, you use a broom with a long handle. * brush 指用短柄刷清洁,sweep 指用长柄的扫帚扫地。




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