

词汇 wipe
wipewipe /waɪp /


  1. wipe sth (off) to clean or dry something by rubbing it with a cloth, piece of paper, etc.擦;抹;拭Wipe your hands on the towel.用毛巾擦擦手。to wipe your nose on a handkerchief用手帕擦擦鼻子Could you wipe off the counter?你能擦一下柜台吗?➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Clean is a general word for removing dirt from something. * clean 泛指清除某物上的污垢。If you wash something, you clean it with water and often soap. * wash 指用水清洁某物,一般用肥皂洗。You can wipe a surface by rubbing it with a wet cloth; you dust a surface by rubbing it with a dry cloth. * wipe 表示用湿布擦拭物体表面,dust 指用干布掸去灰尘。If you brush something, you clean it with a brush that has a short handle; if you sweep the floor, you use a broom with a long handle. * brush 指用短柄刷清洁,sweep 指用长柄的扫帚扫地。
  1. wipe sth from / off sth | wipe sth away / off / up to remove something by rubbing it擦掉;抹掉;擦干净Wipe the dirt off your shoes.把你鞋上的土擦掉。He wiped the sweat from his forehead.他擦了擦额头上的汗。Wipe up the milk you spilled.把你洒的牛奶擦干净。
  1. wipe sth (off) (sth) to remove sound, information, or images from something除去,抹去(声音、信息或图像)I accidentally wiped the tape.我不小心把磁带上的内容给抹掉了。I tried to wipe the memory from my mind.我努力想把那段记忆从脑海中抹去。
wipe sth outto destroy something completely彻底消灭;摧毁Whole towns were wiped out in the bombing raids.轰炸中一个个城镇被夷为平地。




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