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词汇 will
🔑willwill1 /wəl ; əl ; l ; strong form强读式 wɪl /

modal verb

(short form 'll, negative will not, short form won't /woʊnt /)
  1. used to speak about the future(构成将来时)He will be here soon.他很快就到这儿。I'm sure you'll pass your test.我敢肯定你会通过考试的。I'll be sitting on the beach this time next week.下周这个时候我就会坐在海滩上了。Next Sunday, she will have been in America for a year.到下星期日,她来美国就满一年了。
  1. used for showing that someone is willing to do something, or that something is able to do something(用于人,表示愿意;用于物,表示能力)“We need some more milk. “OK, I'll get some.“我们还需要更多牛奶。”“好,我去拿点儿。”Why won't you tell me where you were last night?你为什么不愿意告诉我你昨晚去哪儿了?I'll carry your bag for you.我替你背包。My car won't start.我的车启动不了。
  1. used for asking someone to do something(用于请求某人做某事)Will you please sit down?请你坐下好吗?Just wait a minute, will you?请你等一会儿,好吗?
  1. used for talking about something that generally happens or is true(表示通常会发生或真实的事)People will stop and help if you ask politely.如果礼貌地请求,人们总是会停下来帮忙。

willwill2 /wɪl /


  1. to use the power of your mind to do something or to make something happen决心;决意;立定志向He willed himself to keep going to the end of the race.他凭决心坚持跑完比赛全程。
  1. to formally give your property or possessions to someone after you have died, by means of a will立遗嘱把(财产等)赠与(某人)Joe had willed them everything he possessed.乔立遗嘱把自己所有的东西都赠送给他们。

willwill3 /wɪl /


  1. [countable, uncountable] the power of the mind to choose what to do; a feeling of strong determination意志;毅力;决心Both her children have very strong wills.她的两个孩子都有顽强的毅力。My father seems to have lost the will to live.我父亲似乎已失去活下去的意志。
  1. [singular] what someone wants to happen in a particular situation意愿;心愿She was put into a nursing home against her will.她不情愿地被送到养老院。
  1. [countable] a legal document in which you write down who should have your money and property after your death遗嘱Have you made a will?你立遗嘱了吗?Grandma left us some money in her will.奶奶在遗嘱里给我们留下一些钱。
  1. -willed (used to form compound adjectives用于构成复合形容词) having the type of will mentioned有…意志的a strong-willed young woman意志坚强的年轻女子
at willwherever and whenever you want任意;随意They were able to come and go at will.他们可以随意来去。of your own free willbecause you want to, not because someone forces you出于自愿




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