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词汇 soil
🔑soilsoil1 /sɔɪl /


  1. [countable, uncountable] the substance that plants, trees, etc. grow in; earth土壤;泥土poor / rich / dry soil贫瘠的/肥沃的/干旱的土壤➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析When you are outside, the surface under your feet is called the ground. When you are inside it is called the floor.户外的地面称 the ground,室内的地面则称 the floorDon't sit on the ground. You'll get wet.别坐在地上,你会弄湿的。Don't sit on the floor. I'll get another chair.不要坐在地板上,我再拿一把椅子。Plants grow in earth, soil, or dirt.植物生长的土壤称 earth、soil 或 dirt。Earth is also the name of the planet where we live.人类居住的星球,地球,称 Earth 或 earththe planet Earth地球Land is the opposite of sea or ocean.与 land (陆地)相对的是 sea 或 ocean (海洋)The sailors sighted land.海员们看见了陆地。The astronauts returned to earth.宇航员返回了地球。Land is also something that you can buy or sell. * land 也指可供买卖的土地The price of land in Tokyo is extremely high.东京的土地价格非常高。
  1. [uncountable] the land that is part of a country国土;领土;土地to set foot on American soil (= to arrive in the U.S.) 踏上美国的土地

soilsoil2 /sɔɪl /


[transitive] (formal)
to make something dirty弄脏;弄污




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