

词汇 tail
🔑tailtail1 /teɪl /


  1. [countable] the long, thin part at the end of the body of an animal, bird, fish, etc.尾;尾巴The dog barked and wagged its tail.狗一边叫一边摇着尾巴。
  1. [countable] the back part of an airplane, a spacecraft, etc.(飞机、航天飞船等的)尾部,后部
  1. tails [plural] the side of a coin that does not have the head of a person on it(硬币的)反面(没有人头像的一面)We'll toss a coin to decide. Do you want heads or tails?我们抛硬币决定吧,你要正面还是反面?  look at head1 (6)
  1. tails [plural] a man's coat, short at the front but with a long, divided piece at the back. It is worn on very formal occasions, such as weddings.燕尾服;男子晚礼服

tailtail2 /teɪl /


to follow someone closely, especially to watch where he / she goes, etc.盯梢;跟踪(某人) tail offto become less, smaller, quieter, etc.逐渐减少(或缩小、减弱等)His voice tailed off into a whisper.他的声音渐渐变成了低语。




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