

词汇 typical
🔑typicaltyp·i·cal /ˈtɪpɪkl /


typical (of sb / sth)
having or showing the usual qualities of a particular person, thing, or type典型的;有代表性的a typical small town典型的小城镇There's no such thing as a typical North American (= they are all different).所谓的典型北美人根本不存在。Such detailed descriptions are typical of her writing.这种细节描写是她典型的写作风格。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Common, traditional, or typical? * common、traditional 还是 typical?Something that is common is found often or in many places. * common 表示很常见、很普遍The robin is a common bird in America.知更鸟是美洲常见的鸟。Something that is traditional has strong links with the past. * traditional 指与过去有较强的关联性At the festival, we saw some Native Americans dressed in traditional costumes.在节庆活动中,我们看到一些穿传统服装的美洲土著人。Something or someone that is typical is a good example of a category of people or things. * typical 指具有代表性,是某类人或事物的典型How much would a typical house cost in this neighborhood?这个街区一般的房子得花多少钱?




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