释义 |
🔑twentytwen·ty /ˈtwɛnti / number - 20二十 HELP For examples of how to use numbers in sentences, look at sixty.数字在句中的用法示例见 sixty 条。
- the twenties the numbers, years, or temperatures between 20 and 29二十几;二十年代
●in your twentiesbetween the ages of 20 and 29二十几岁◆She's in her early / mid / late twenties.她二十岁出头/二十五岁左右/将近三十岁。▸ twen·ti·eth /ˈtwɛntiəθ / pronoun , determiner , adverb , noun [countable] 20th第二十 HELP Look at the examples at sixth.参见 sixth 条示例。 |