

词汇 sock
🔑socksock1 /sɑk /


a piece of clothing that you wear on your foot and lower leg, inside your shoe袜子a pair of socks一双袜子knock your / sb's socks off (informal) to surprise and impress someone使某人惊讶不已;给某人留下深刻印象This new show is really going to knock your socks off.这个新节目绝对会给你带来震撼。

socksock2 /sɑk /


[transitive] (informal)
to hit someone hard猛打;狠打She got angry and socked him in the mouth.她生气了,照着他的嘴巴就是一拳。 (figurative) The banks are socking customers with higher charges.银行提高手续费,损害了客户的利益。be socked in(used about an airport) to be closed because of snow, etc.(机场)因大雪等关闭sock it to sb (informal) to do something or tell someone something in a strong and effective way直截了当地做某事;毫不含糊地告诉某人Go in there and sock it to 'em!进去,直截了当地告诉他们! sock sth away (usually passive通常用被动语态) to save money存(钱);积攒(钱)She already has $500 socked away for college.她已经攒了 500 美元供上大学用。




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