

词汇 soaked
soakedsoaked /soʊkt /


(not before a noun不用于名词前) extremely wet湿透;湿淋淋I got soaked waiting for my bus in the rain.我在雨中等公共汽车,淋成了落汤鸡。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析wetmoist ◇ damp ◇ soaked ◇ drenched ◇ saturatedThese words all describe things covered with or full of liquid, especially water.以上词均表示湿的、潮的。wetcovered with or full of liquid, especially water湿的;潮湿的The car skidded on the wet road.汽车在潮湿的路上打滑。This towel is wet – can I have a dry one?这条毛巾是湿的,给我一条干的好吗?You'll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now.你现在出去就会淋湿。moistslightly wet, often in a way that is pleasant or useful微湿的,湿润的,润泽的(常指舒适或有益)a rich, moist cake浓醇软润的蛋糕Remember to keep the earth moist or the plant will die.记得要保持土壤湿润,否则植物就会死掉。dampslightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant发潮的,湿气重的(常指令人不舒服)The cabin was cold and damp.这小木屋又冷又湿。soaked(somewhat informal) very wet湿透的;湿漉漉的You're soaked through (= completely wet)!你湿透了!He woke up soaked with sweat.他醒来的时候浑身都是汗。drenchedvery wet湿透的;湿漉漉的We got caught in the storm and were drenched to the skin.我们碰上了暴风雨,浑身湿透了。Her face was drenched with sweat.她的脸上满是汗。saturatedvery wet湿透的;浸透的The ground is completely saturated: it would be pointless to plant anything.地已经浸透,种什么东西都白搭。PATTERNS 句型wet / moist / damp / soaked / drenched / saturated with sthsoaked / drenched in sthsb's coat / shirt / shoes / clothes / hair is / are wet / damp / soaked / drenchedwet / moist / damp / saturated ground / soil




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