

词汇 turn
🔑turnturn1 /tərn /


move around转动
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move or make something move around a fixed central point(使)转动,旋转The wheels turned faster and faster.轮子越转越快。She turned the key in the lock.她转动钥匙开锁。
change position / direction改变位置/方向
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move your body, or part of your body, so that you are facing in a different direction转身;扭转(身体部位)He turned around when he heard my voice.听到我的声音,他转过身来。She turned her back on me (= she deliberately moved her body to face away from me).她转过身背对着我。
  1. [transitive] to change the position of something翻转;翻动I turned the box upside down.我把盒子倒转过来。She turned the page and started the next chapter.她翻过页开始读下一章。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to change direction when you are moving转弯;转变方向;转过Go straight ahead and turn left by the church.一直向前走,到教堂处向左拐。The car turned the corner.汽车转过街角。He turned the van into the driveway.他将客货车拐到车道上。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] turn (sb / sth) (into / to sth) (to cause) to become(使)变成,成为He turned very red when I asked him about the money.我向他问起钱的事时,他脸变得通红。How did you feel when you turned 30?你满 30 岁的时候有何感受?These caterpillars will turn into butterflies.这些毛毛虫将会变成蝴蝶。
HELP For idioms containing turn, look at the noun and adjective entries. For example, turn a blind eye is at blind.含 turn 的习语,参见相关名词和形容词词条,如 turn a blind eye 在词条 blind 下。 turn awayto stop looking at someone or something转过眼去;转过脸(或头)She turned away in horror at the sight of the blood.一看见血她就吓得把脸转了过去。turn sb awayto refuse to allow a person to go into a place把某人拒之门外;拒绝某人进入turn backto return the same way that you came原路返回turn sb / sth downto refuse an offer, etc. or the person who makes it拒绝(建议等);回绝(提建议等的人)Why did you turn that job down?你为什么拒绝那份工作?He asked her to marry him, but she turned him down.他向她求婚,但她拒绝了。turn sth downto reduce the sound or heat that something produces调低(音量或热度)Turn the TV down!把电视声音调低!turn sb into take someone to the police because they have committed a crime把某人扭送到(警局);使自首turn sth into give something to a person in authority上交All essays must be turned in by Friday at 5:00.所有的作文都必须在星期五 5:00 前上交。I was relieved to hear that someone had turned my keys in to the security guard.听说有人把我的钥匙交给了保安时,我松了口气。turn off (sth)to leave one road and go on another拐弯;拐入另一条路We need to turn off the highway at exit 10.我们得在 10 号出口拐出公路。turn sth offto stop the flow of electricity, water, etc.关掉(电源、自来水等)He turned the TV off.他关掉了电视。turn sth onto start the flow of electricity, water, etc.打开(电源、自来水等)to turn on the lights把灯打开turn out (for sth)to be present at an event出席;到场Thousands of people turned out to welcome the team home.数千人到现场欢迎球队归来。turn out (to be sth)to be something in the end证明是;结果是;原来是The weather turned out fine.结果天气不错。The house that they had promised us turned out to be a tiny apartment.他们许诺给我们的房子原来是套很小的公寓。turn sth outto move the switch, etc. on a light so that it is no longer shining关掉(电灯开关等)Turn out the lights before you go to bed.睡觉之前把灯关掉。turn sth overto keep thinking about something carefully深思熟虑;仔细考虑She kept turning over what he'd said in her mind.她在脑子里反复想着他说过的话。turn to sbto go to someone to get help, advice, etc.向某人求助;向某人求教turn to sthto find a page in a book翻到(某页)Turn to page 45.翻到 45 页。turn up
  1. to arrive; to appear来到;露面What time did they finally turn up?他们最后是什么时候到的?
  1. to be found, especially by chance(尤指偶然)被发现,被找到I lost my glasses a week ago and they still haven't turned up.我一个星期前把眼镜弄丢了,到现在还没找到。
turn sth upto increase the sound or heat that something produces调高,开大(音量或热度)Turn the heat up it's freezing!将暖气调高些,快要冻死了!

🔑turnturn2 /tərn /


  1. an act of turning someone or something around转动;旋转Give the screw another couple of turns to make sure it is really tight.再拧几下螺丝,一定要确保把它拧紧了。
change of direction转弯
  1. a change of direction拐弯;转弯to make a left / right turn向左转;向右转a U-turn (= when you turn around and go back in the opposite direction) 掉头
of road道路
  1. a bend or corner in a road, river, etc.(道路、河流等的)转弯处,弯道Take the next turn on the left.在下一个拐弯处往左拐。
  1. [usually singular] the time when you must or may do something(依次轮到的)机会Please wait in line until it is your turn.请排队等候,直到轮到你。
  1. a change转变;变化The patient's condition has taken a turn for the worse.病人的病情恶化了。
in turnone after the other依次;轮流;逐个I spoke to each of the children in turn.我依次和每个孩子讲话。take turns (doing sth)to do something one after the other依次;轮流You can't both play on the computer at the same time. You'll have to take turns.你们两个不能同时玩电脑,要轮流玩。wait your turnto wait until the time when you are allowed to do something等着轮到自己




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