

词汇 try
🔑trytry1 /traɪ /


(present participle try·ing, third person singular present tense tries, past tense, past participle tried)
  1. [intransitive] to make an effort to do something试图;努力;设法;想要I tried to call you, but I couldn't get through.我试图给你打电话,但打不通。She was trying hard not to laugh.她极力忍住笑。to try your best / hardest尽全力I'm sure you can do it if you try.我敢肯定,只要你努力,就一定行。
➨ GRAMMAR 语法说明Try and is more informal than try to. * try and 比 try to 更不正式I'll try to get there on time.我会尽量准时赶到那儿。I'll try and get there on time.我会尽量准时赶到那儿。Try and cannot be used in the past tense. * try and 不能用于过去时I tried to get there on time, but I was too late.我尽力想准时赶到那儿,但还是太晚了。
  1. [transitive] to do, use, or test something in order to see how good or successful it is尝试;试着“I've tried everything but I can't get the baby to sleep. “Did you try taking her out in the stroller?“我什么方法都试过了,可还是没能把宝宝哄睡着。”“你有没有试过用婴儿车带她出去?”Have you ever tried raw fish?你有没有尝试过生鱼肉?We tried the door, but it was locked.我们试着打开那扇门,但门是锁着的。He tried several bookstores, but none of them had the books he wanted.他跑了好几家书店,但都没他想要的书。
  1. [transitive] to examine someone in a court of law in order to decide if he / she is guilty of a crime or not审判;审理;审讯He was tried for murder.他因涉嫌谋杀而受审。
try sth onto put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits you and how it looks试穿(衣服)Can I try these jeans on?我可以试穿一下这条牛仔裤吗?try sb / sth outto test someone or something by using him / her / it试用;测试try out for sthto try to become a member of a sports team or an actor in a play by having your skills tested参加…选拔;参加…试演Dave tried out for the wrestling team.戴夫参加了摔跤队的选拔。

trytry2 /traɪ /


[countable] (plural tries)
an occasion when you make an effort to do something; an attempt尝试;努力I don't know if I can move it by myself, but I'll give it a try.我不知道自己能否搬动它,但愿意试一试。




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