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词汇 sweep
🔑sweepsweep1 /swip /


(past tense, past participle swept /swɛpt /)
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to clean a room, surface, etc. using a brush with a long handle (a broom)扫;清扫;打扫Could you sweep under the table too?请你把桌子下面也打扫一下好吗?Take your shoes off! I just swept the floor.把鞋脱掉!我刚扫过地。I'm going to sweep the leaves off the sidewalk.我要把人行道上的树叶扫走。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Clean is a general word for removing dirt from something. * clean 泛指清除某物上的污垢。If you wash something, you clean it with water and often soap. * wash 指用水清洁某物,一般用肥皂洗。You can wipe a surface by rubbing it with a wet cloth; you dust a surface by rubbing it with a dry cloth. * wipe 表示用湿布擦拭物体表面,dust 指用干布掸去灰尘。If you brush something, you clean it with a brush that has a short handle; if you sweep the floor, you use a broom with a long handle. * brush 指用短柄刷清洁,sweep 指用长柄的扫帚扫地。
  1. [transitive] to push, move, or remove someone or something quickly and smoothly(快速利落地)推送,吹走,冲走,带走He swept the money into his pocket and left.他迅速把钱塞进口袋里离开了。The huge waves swept her overboard.巨浪将她冲下了甲板。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move quickly and smoothly over the area or in the direction mentioned横扫;席卷;掠过;迅速蔓延Fire swept through the building.大火迅速席卷了整座大楼。The epidemic swept the country within weeks.流行病在几周之内便蔓延到了全国各地。
  1. [intransitive] to move in a proud or impressive way大模大样地走;神气活现地走Five black limousines swept past us.五辆黑色豪华轿车浩浩荡荡地从我们身边驶过。She swept angrily out of the room.她气呼呼地大步走出房间。
sweep (sth) upto remove something from a surface using a brush, your hand, etc.(用刷子、手等)清除,扫去,拂去

sweepsweep2 /swip /


a long, curving shape or movement(形状或运动)绵延弯曲a bay with a broad sweep of golden sand一片金色沙滩绵延环绕的海湾“Some day, all this will be yours, she said with a sweep of her hand.“将来有一天,所有这些都是你的。”她挥挥手说道。a clean sweep
  1. a complete victory in a sports competition, election, etc. that you get by winning all the different parts of it(竞赛、选举等)大获全胜The Russians made a clean sweep of all the gymnastics events.俄罗斯队在体操项目中包揽了所有奖牌。
  1. a complete removal of things or people that you think are no longer necessary彻底清除(不需要的人或事物);裁减The new director plans to make a clean sweep and fire everyone in this department.新来的经理打算来个大清除,解雇这个部门的所有人员。




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