

词汇 week
🔑weekweek /wik /


  1. a period of seven days (usually beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday)星期;周last week / this week / next week上周;本周;下周He left two weeks ago.他两周前离开了。I haven't seen her for a whole week.我整整一星期都没有见到她了。I play tennis twice a week.我一周打两次网球。They'll be back in a week.他们将于一星期之内回来。I was on vacation the week before last.我上上周在度假。My course ends the week after next.我的课程下下周结束。
  1. the part of the week when people go to work, etc., usually from Monday through Friday工作周(一周中工作的时间,通常为星期一到星期五)She works hard during the week.她在工作日上班时努力地工作。I work a 40-hour week.我一周工作 40 小时。
week in, week outevery week without a rest or change一周又一周;每周都如此




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