

词汇 weather
🔑weatherweath·er1 /ˈwɛðər /


the climate at a certain place and time, how much wind, rain, sun, etc. there is and how hot or cold it is天气;气象What was the weather like in Hawaii?夏威夷的天气怎么样?We'll go to the beach if the weather stays nice.如果天气保持晴好,我们就去海滨。They say that the weather won't change for the next few days.据说近几天天气不会变。The weather forecast is on after the news.新闻后播放天气预报。under the weather (informal) if you are under the weather you feel slightly sick and not as well as usual不舒服;不得劲
➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配The Weather天气good weather好天气the sun shines / warms somethingthe clouds drift / part / cleara gentle / light / stiff / cool / warm / sea breeze blows (in)/comes inthe snow crunches beneath / under someone's feet / bootsbad weather坏天气be covered in / shrouded in mist / a blanket of fogsnow falls / comes down / covers somethingthe rain falls / comes down / pours down / lets up / stopsthe wind blows / whistles / sweeps across something / dies downforecast / expect / predict rain / snow / a hurricane / a stormstorms暴风雨thick / dark / storm clouds form / gather / roll in / cover the sky / block out the sunstrong winds blow / howl / whip through something / gust (up to 80 mph)a storm / blizzard approaches / moves inland / hits / strikes / buries something in snow / passesthunder rumbles / booms / echoes (nearby / in the distance)lightning flashes / hits / strikesa tornado hits / strikes / destroys something / tears something off

weatherweath·er2 /ˈwɛðər /


  1. [transitive](used about a ship or a person) to pass safely through a storm or a difficult time(船或人)经受住,平安渡过
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to change in appearance (because of the effect of the sun, air, or wind)(因日晒、风吹等)改变外貌,使受侵蚀




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