

词汇 wear
🔑wearwear1 /wɛr /


(past tense wore /wɔr / , past participle worn /wɔrn /)
clothing / ornament衣服;饰物
  1. [transitive] to have clothes, jewelry, etc. on your body穿;戴;佩戴He was wearing a suit and tie.他穿着西装,打着领带。I wear glasses for reading.我看书的时候要戴眼镜。Would you like to wear my necklace?你愿意戴上我的项链吗?to wear your hair short留短发
expression on face面部表情
  1. [transitive] to have a certain look on your face流露,面带(某种表情)He was wearing an expression of delight.他面带喜悦。
damage with use用坏
  1. [intransitive] to become thinner or damaged because of being used or rubbed a lot损耗;磨损;用旧
  1. [transitive] to make a hole, path, etc. in something by rubbing, walking, etc.穿破;踩出(道路);磨出(洞)Cut your toenails or you'll wear a hole in your socks!剪剪脚趾甲,不然会把袜子磨出洞来。
stay in good condition保持良好状态
  1. [intransitive] to last for a long time without becoming thinner or damaged耐用;经用;耐磨This material wears well.这种料子很耐磨。
wear thinto have less effect because of being used too much(因过度使用而)不太起作用,失效We've heard that story so often that it's beginning to wear thin.那种话我们听得太多了,已经开始不灵了。 wear (sth) awayto damage something or to make it disappear over a period of time, by using, touching, etc. it a lot; to disappear or become damaged in this way(因大量使用、触摸等)磨损,磨光,耗尽The shiny finish on the floor had worn away over the years.地板的光泽面这些年来已经磨掉。The motion of the waves had worn a lot of the rocks away.浪涛的拍打侵蚀掉了大量的岩石。wear (sth) downto become or to make something smaller or shorter(使)变小,变短wear sb / sth downto make someone or something weaker by attacking, persuading, etc.(通过攻击、劝说等)使衰弱,削弱They wore him down with constant arguments until he changed his mind.他们不停地辩说使他不再坚持,直到改变了主意。wear offto become less strong or to disappear completely逐渐减弱;完全消失The effects of the drug wore off after a few hours.几个小时后,药效慢慢消失了。wear on(used about time) to pass slowly(时间)慢慢地过去;(时光)荏苒They got to know each other better as the summer wore on.夏季慢慢过去,他们越来越了解对方了。wear (sth) outto become too thin or damaged to use anymore; to cause something to do this(使)磨损,磨破,磨坏Children's shoes wear out very quickly.小孩儿的鞋很快就会磨坏。You've worn out two pairs of jeans in the last six months!过去的六个月期间你就穿坏了两条牛仔裤!wear sb outto make someone very tired使疲惫;使筋疲力尽She wore herself out walking home with the heavy bags.她背着沉重的包走回家,把自己搞得筋疲力尽。  look at worn out

wearwear2 /wɛr /


  1. wearing or being worn; use as clothing穿着;着装This sweater would be good for everyday wear.这件毛衣平时穿穿挺好的。
  1. (usually in compounds通常构成复合词) things that you wear; clothes…装;…衣服sportswear运动服underwear内衣
  1. long use which damages the quality or appearance of something(长期使用导致的)破损,磨损,耗损
wear and tearthe damage caused by ordinary use(正常使用造成的)破损,磨损the worse for wear (informal) damaged; not in good condition用坏;破烂This suitcase looks somewhat the worse for wear.这个手提箱看上去有点破旧。




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