

词汇 weak
🔑weakweak /wik /


not physically strong身体虚弱
  1. (used about the body) having little strength or energy; not strong(身体)无力的,虚弱的The child was weak with hunger.这孩子饿得有气无力。Her legs felt weak.她觉得双腿发软。 (figurative) a weak economy疲软的经济
likely to break易破
  1. likely to break不结实的;易破损的That bridge is too weak for trucks to drive on.那座桥不太结实,卡车不能开上去。
of person's character性格
  1. (used about a person's character) easy to influence; not firm(性格)软弱的,懦弱的He is too weak to be a good leader.他太软弱,没法当个好领导。
not convincing无说服力
  1. (used about an argument, excuse, etc.) that does not convince you or seem right; not strong(论据、借口等)难以令人信服的,不够有说服力的a weak argument against the proposal反对该提案的无说服力的论据
hard to see / hear难以看见或听见
  1. not easy to see or hear; not definite or strong模糊的;隐约的;微弱的I heard a weak voice whispering for help.我听到了一声微弱的求救声。She gave a weak smile.她淡淡地一笑。
  1. (used about liquids) containing a lot of water; not strong in taste(液体)稀的,淡的weak tea淡茶
not good at something不擅长
  1. weak (at / in / on sth) not able to achieve a high standard in something不善于;不擅长;(某方面)能力弱的He's weak at math.他不擅长数学。His math skills are weak.他数学能力比较弱。


The little kitten struggled weakly to its feet.小猫挣扎着勉强站了起来。




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