

词汇 message
🔑messagemes·sage /ˈmɛsɪdʒ /


  1. [countable] a written or spoken piece of information that is passed from one person to another留言;传话;信息Mr. Thomas is not here right now. Can I take a message?托马斯先生这会儿不在,要我传个话吗?to get / receive a message from someone收到某人的消息Please leave a message after the beep.请在嘟声后留言。
  1. [singular] the main idea of a book, speech, etc.(书、演讲等的)要旨,要点,主题思想It was a funny movie, but it also had a serious message.那部电影很搞笑,但同时也传达出一个严肃的主题。
get the message (informal) to understand what someone means even if it is not said directly明白,理解,领悟(没有明说的事)He finally got the message and left Dick and Sarah alone together.他终于明白过来,于是让迪克和萨拉单独在一起。




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