

词汇 since
🔑sincesince1 /sɪns /


from a particular time in the past until a later time in the past or until now自从;自…以来It was the first time they'd won since 1984.这是自 1984 年以来他们第一次获胜。I haven't seen him since last Tuesday.自从上星期二以来我就没有见过他。Where have you been? I've been waiting for you since 5:30.你上哪儿去了?我从 5:30 开始就一直在等你。She has had a number of jobs since college.从大学毕业后她干过几份工作了。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Since or for? * since 还是 for?We use both since and for to talk about how long something has been happening. * since 和 for 都可表示某事持续的时间。We use since when we are talking about a point in time. * since 表示时间点I've known her since 2001.我从 2001 年起就认识她。We use for when we are talking about a length of time. * for 表示时间长度I've known her for four years.我认识她已有四年了。

🔑sincesince2 /sɪns /


  1. from the time when something happened until a later time in the past or until now自从;自…以来He hasn't written to us since he moved to Britain.他自从搬到英国后就没有给我们写过信。I've been working in a bank ever since I finished high school.我高中毕业以后就一直在一家银行工作。It was strange to see my old house again because I hadn't been there since I was a child.自从孩提时代起我就没有去过我的老房子,所以再次看到它我感到很陌生。
  1. because; as因为;既然Since they obviously forgot to call me, I'll have to call them.他们显然忘了给我打电话,所以我只好给他们打电话。

🔑sincesince3 /sɪns /


  1. from a particular time in the past until a later time in the past or until now从那以后;自那时起He had come to see us a few weeks earlier, but he hadn't been back since.他几个星期前来看过我们,但从那以后就没再来过。We went out for dinner together about six months ago, but I haven't seen her since.我们大约六个月前一起出去吃过饭,但从那以后我就没有见过她。My parents bought this house in 1985, and we've lived here ever since.我父母 1985 年买下这栋房子,自那时起我们就一直住在这里。
  1. at a time after a particular time in the past此后;后来We got divorced two years ago and she has since married someone else.我们两年前离了婚,后来她和别人结婚了。He had dropped out of school at the age of 16 and had since found a job in a restaurant.他 16 岁辍学,之后在一家餐馆找了份工作。




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