

词汇 accept
🔑acceptac·cept /əkˈsɛpt /


offer / invitation建议;邀请
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to agree to take something that someone offers you接受;收受Do I have to pay cash or will you accept a check?我得付现金,还是你们也收支票?Why won't you accept my advice?你为什么就不接受我的劝告呢?
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to say “yes” to something or to agree to something赞成;答应Thank you for your invitation. I am happy to accept.谢谢你的邀请,我很乐于接受。I'd be pleased to accept your offer.我很高兴接受你的提议。
  1. [transitive] to admit or recognize that something bad is true承认;承担They refused to accept responsibility for the accident.他们拒不承担事故的责任。
difficult situation困境
  1. [transitive] to recognize that something cannot be changed忍受;忍耐It is hard to accept the death of a child.孩子夭折,教人难以接受。
  1. [transitive] to believe something相信I just don't accept that it simply isn't true.我根本就不信,那绝不是真的。She didn't accept that I was telling the truth.她不相信我说的是实情。
receive as suitable认为合适
  1. [transitive] to take something because it is suitable; to decide that someone or something is suitable(因合适而)接受,接纳;认为…合适The vending machine won't accept my five-dollar bill.自动售货机不接受我的五美元钞票。The letter says I've been accepted for the fall semester.来信说我已被录取,秋季学期上学。  look at refuse1, reject1




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