

词汇 kill
🔑killkill1 /kɪl /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to make someone or something die杀死;使丧命Smoking kills.吸烟能致人死亡。She was killed instantly in the crash.她在撞车事故中当场死亡。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Murder means to kill a person on purpose. * murder 指蓄意杀害、谋杀This was no accident. The old lady was murdered.这绝不是意外,老太太是被谋杀的。Assassinate means to kill for political reasons. * assassinate 指为政治原因刺杀、暗杀President Kennedy was assassinated.肯尼迪总统被刺杀。Slaughter and massacre mean to kill a large number of people. * slaughter 和 massacre 指大规模屠杀Hundreds of people were massacred when the army opened fire on the crowd.军队向人群开枪,数百人遭到屠杀。
  1. [transitive] (informal) to cause someone pain; to hurt使疼痛;使痛苦;使受折磨My feet are killing me.我的双脚疼死了。
  1. [transitive] (informal) to be very angry with someone对(某人)非常生气My mom will kill me when she sees this mess.我妈妈看见这么乱糟糟的样子非宰了我不可。
  1. [transitive] to cause something to end or fail使终止;使失败;扼杀The committee killed the proposal during yesterday's meeting.委员会在昨天的会议上否决了这项提议。
have an hour, etc. to killto have some time when you have nothing to do, usually when you are waiting for someone or something(通常指等待时)有(一段时间的)空暇kill timeto do something that is not interesting or important just to pass the time消磨时间;打发时光kill two birds with one stoneto do one thing which will achieve two results一石二鸟;一箭双雕;一举两得

killkill2 /kɪl /


  1. the act of killing (an animal)杀死;捕杀;猎杀The lion watched its prey, then moved in for the kill.那头狮子注视着猎物,然后扑过去猎杀。
  1. an animal or animals that have been killed猎杀的动物;猎物The eagle took the kill back to its young.鹰把猎物带回去喂雏鹰。




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