

词汇 hook
🔑hookhook1 /hʊk /


  1. a curved piece of metal, plastic, etc. that is used for catching something or hanging something on钩;挂钩;钓钩a fish hook鱼钩Put your coat on the hook over there.把你的外衣挂在那边的衣钩上。
  1. (sport体育) (used in boxing) a hit or punch that is given with the elbow bent(拳击运动)钩拳a right hook (= with the right arm) 右钩拳
hook, line, and sinkercompletely完全地;毫无保留地What I said was not true, but he fell for it (= believed it) hook, line, and sinker.我的话并非实话,但他完全相信了。off the hook
  1. with the part of the telephone that you speak into (the receiver) not in position, so that telephone calls cannot be received(电话听筒)未挂上Martha's number is still busy maybe she left the phone off the hook.玛莎的电话号码仍然占线,也许她没放好电话听筒。
  1. (informal) out of a difficult situation摆脱困境My dad paid the money I owed and got me off the hook.我爸爸把我欠的钱还了,让我摆脱了困境。
ring off the hook(used about a telephone) to ring all the time because many people are calling(电话)响个不停I haven't had a break yet the phone's been ringing off the hook all morning!我不曾得到片刻安宁,电话整个上午一直响个不停!

hookhook2 /hʊk /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to fasten something or to be fastened with a hook or something like a hook(使)钩住,挂住
  1. [transitive] to catch hold of something with a hook or with something shaped like a hook用…钩住
be / get hooked (on sth) (informal)
  1. to like (doing) something very much着迷;迷恋He's hooked on computer games.他迷上了电脑游戏。
  1. to be addicted to (= unable to stop using) drugs, alcohol, etc.(吸毒、喝酒等)上瘾,成瘾to be hooked on gambling染上赌瘾
hook (sth) up (to sth)to connect a machine, etc. to a larger system so that it can work将…连接到(较大的系统);接通You can't call me at my new apartment the phone isn't hooked up yet.我在新公寓你没法给我打电话 —— 电话还没有开通。




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