

词汇 honor
🔑honorhon·or1 (CanE also hon·our) /ˈɑnər /


  1. [singular] something that gives pride or pleasure荣幸;光荣It was a great honor to give a speech at the convention.在大会上发言是件非常荣幸的事。He did me the honor of mentioning my name in the book.很荣幸他在书中提到我的名字。
  1. [uncountable] the respect from other people that a person, country, etc. gets because of high standards of behavior and moral character尊敬;崇敬;荣誉a man of honor品德高尚的人to fight for the honor of your country为祖国的荣誉而战  look at dishonor
  1. [countable] an award that is given to a person officially, to show great respect or to recognize something important that he / she has achieved奖励;荣誉称号She graduated with honors (= because she had gotten very good grades) from Madison High School in 2009.她 2009 年以优异成绩毕业于麦迪逊中学。
  1. honors [plural] (often used as an adjective常用作形容词) a class in school or at university that is at a higher level than other classes(学校或大学的)优等班,荣誉学位课程an honors degree荣誉学位I took an honors class in English.我选了英语优等班课程。
  1. Honor [uncountable] (used after Your, His, or Her 用于 Your、His 或 Her 后) a title that is used when speaking about or to a judge, mayor, or some other official person(称呼法官、市长等)大人
in honor of sb / sthin sb / sth's honorout of respect for someone or something出于对…的尊敬;为了向…表示敬意A party was given in honor of the guests from Japan.为了欢迎来自日本的贵宾举行了宴会。

honorhon·or2 (CanE also hon·our) /ˈɑnər /


  1. honor sb / sth (with sth) to show great (public) respect for someone or something or to give someone pride or pleasure尊重;敬重;使感到骄傲(或荣幸)I am very honored by the confidence you have shown in me.承蒙信任,不胜荣幸。
  1. to keep a promise to do something信守,履行(承诺)




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