

词汇 accent
🔑accentac·cent /ˈæksɛnt /


  1. a particular way of pronouncing words that is connected with the country, area, or social group that you come from口音;腔调a strong Southern accent浓重的南方口音
  1. the act of emphasizing a word or part of a word by pronouncing it with greater force重音;重读In the word “because, the accent is on the second syllable.because 一词的重音在第二个音节。
  1. (in writing) a mark, usually above a letter, that shows that it has to be pronounced in a certain way(书写形式)读音符号(通常标于字母上方)
  1. [usually singular] the particular importance that is given to something强调;着重点In all our products the accent is on quality.我们所有产品首重质量。




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