

词汇 people
🔑peoplepeo·ple /ˈpipl /


  1. [plural] more than one person人;人们How many people are coming to the party?有多少人会来参加聚会?Young people often rebel against their parents.年轻人对父母常有叛逆行为。What will people say if you go out looking like that?你要是那个样子出门,人们会怎么说呢?He meets a lot of famous people in his job.他在工作中结识很多名人。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析People is almost always used instead of the plural form persons. Persons is very formal and is usually used in legal language, etc. * person 的复数形式几乎总是用 people,而不用 persons。persons 非常正式,通常用于法律语境等Persons under the age of twenty-one are not permitted to buy alcohol.年龄未满二十一岁的人禁止买酒。Folk(s) is an informal word for people. It is often used when you are talking about older people or people who live in the country. * folk 或 folks 是泛指“人”的非正式用语,常用来指年纪较大的人或住在乡下的人The old folks have seen many changes in the town over the years.老人们目睹了这些年来该镇的许多变化。
  1. [countable] (plural peo·ples) (formal) a nation, race, etc.人民;国民;民族;种族The President addressed the American people.总统向美国人民发表了讲话。the French-speaking peoples of the world世界上说法语的人
  1. the people [plural] the ordinary citizens of a country(一国的)平民,大众,百姓a man of the people一名普通人




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