

词汇 pour
🔑pourpour /pɔr /


  1. [intransitive](used about a liquid) to flow out of or into something, quickly and steadily, and in large quantities(液体)倒,灌,注Water poured through the hole in the ceiling.水从天花板的洞里灌了进来。Tears were pouring down her cheeks.泪水顺着她的面颊流了下来。There was blood pouring out of the wound.伤口血流如注。 (figurative) People were pouring out of the stadium.人们涌出体育场。
  1. [transitive] to make something flow steadily out of or into a container使持续流出(或注入);倒出I spilled some of the oil when I tried to pour it back into the bottle.当我试图把油倒回瓶子时,有些油溅了出来。Pour the sugar into a bowl.把糖倒进碗里。
  1. [transitive] pour sth (for sb) to serve drinks to someone倒,斟(饮料)Pour me another glass of wine.给我再倒杯酒。
  1. [intransitive] to rain heavily(雨)倾泻,倾盆而下I'm not going out. It's pouring.我不出去了,雨下得正大。
pour sth outto speak freely about what you think or feel about something that has happened to you倾吐;诉说to pour out all your troubles把自己的烦恼和盘托出




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