

词汇 punch
🔑punchpunch1 /pʌntʃ /


  1. to hit someone or something hard with your closed hand (your fist)拳打;用拳猛击Annie punched him hard in the stomach and ran away.安妮狠狠地一拳打在他的肚子上,然后跑开了。
  1. to make a hole in something with a special tool在…上打孔He punched a hole in the ticket.他在票上打了个孔。He punched the ticket.他在票上打孔。
punch into put a card into a special machine that records the time you arrive at work(上班)打卡punch outto put a card into a special machine that records the time you leave work(下班)打卡

🔑punchpunch2 /pʌntʃ /


  1. [countable] a hard hit with your closed hand (your fist)拳打;重拳击打
  1. [countable] a machine or tool that you use to make holes in something打孔机;冲子;冲床a paper punch纸张打孔机
  1. [uncountable] a drink, often served at parties, made from fruit juice, sugar, and, sometimes, alcohol潘趣酒(用果汁和糖调制而成的饮料,有时还加入酒,常在聚会上提供)




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