

词汇 recover
🔑recoverre·cov·er AW /rɪˈkʌvər /


  1. [intransitive] (health医疗保健) recover (from sth) to become well again after you have been sick复原;康复;痊愈It took him two months to recover from the operation.他手术后两个月才康复。
  1. [intransitive] recover (from sth) to get back to normal again after a bad experience, etc.(从不快的经历等中)恢复,复原It took her a long time to recover from her father's death.她用了很长时间才从父亲过世的打击中恢复过来。
  1. [transitive] recover sth (from sb / sth) to find or get back something that was lost or stolen找回,找到(丢失或失窃的东西)Police recovered the stolen goods from a warehouse in South Chicago.警方从芝加哥南部的一个仓库里起获了被盗货物。
  1. [transitive] to get back the use of your senses, control of your emotions, etc.恢复(知觉等);平复(情绪)He needs daily exercise if he's going to recover the use of his legs.如果他想恢复腿部的机能,就需要每天锻炼。She recovered consciousness in the ambulance.她在救护车里恢复了知觉。 SYN regain




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