

词汇 not only… but also
not only… but alsoboth… and不但…而且He not only did the shopping but he also cooked the meal.他不但买了菜,而且做了饭。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库additionadding another item补充说明Bilingual children tend to score higher than others on intelligence tests. Also / In addition / Additionally / What is more, they seem to find it easier to learn an additional language.会说两种语言的孩子智力测试的得分较之他人通常会高一点。此外,他们再多学一种语言似乎也容易一些。Learning another language not only helps develop confidence, but also improves job prospects later in life.学习另一种语言不但有助于建立自信,而且能改善未来的就业前景。The author's claim that children find bilingual education confusing is based on only one scientific study. Moreover, the results of that study are questionable.作者仅以一次科学研究为依据,便断言儿童觉得双语教学十分费解。况且,该项研究的结果未必准确。Research has shown that knowledge of a second language promotes intellectual development. Furthermore, it encourages creativity and mental flexibility.研究表明,掌握第二语言能促进智力发展。此外还能激发创造力和头脑灵活性。




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