

词汇 home
🔑homehome1 /hoʊm /


where you live生活的地方
  1. [countable, uncountable] the place where you live (with your family) or where you feel that you belong家;家庭She left home at the age of 21.她 21 岁时离开家。Children from broken homes (= whose parents are divorced) sometimes have learning difficulties.破裂家庭的孩子有时候有学习困难。
house, etc.房子等
  1. [countable] a house, an apartment, etc.房子;住宅;寓所Sales of new homes rose by 3% last year.去年新住宅的销量增长了 3%。
for old people / children老人;儿童
  1. [countable] a place that provides care for a particular type of person养老院;养育院a retirement home (= for people who are retired) 退休疗养院
  look at nursing home
where something began发祥地
  1. [singular] the place where something began发源地;发祥地Nashville is the home of country music.纳什维尔是乡村音乐的发源地。
  1. [uncountable] (sport体育) = home plate
at home
  1. in your house, apartment, etc.在家We bought a computer so that Jackie can work at home.我们买了台电脑,以便杰基能在家工作。Nick is 28 years old, but he still lives at home (= with his parents).尼克 28 岁了,可仍然和父母同住。
➨ GRAMMAR 语法说明With the verbs be and stay, we usually use home without the preposition at.与动词 be 和 stay 连用时,home 前通常不用介词 atIs anyone home?家里有人吗?I think I'll just stay home tonight.我想我今天晚上就待在家里。
  1. as if you were in your own home; comfortable舒适自在;无拘无束Please make yourself at home.请不要拘束。They were warm and welcoming, and I felt at home right away.他们热情好客,我马上就感觉像在家一样自在。

homehome2 /hoʊm /


(only before a noun只用于名词前)
  1. connected with home家的;家庭的home cooking家常饭菜a happy home life幸福的家庭生活
  1. (sport体育) connected with your own sports team or field主场的The home team is wearing white, and the visiting team is in red.主队穿白色,客队穿红色。The team won all of their home games but lost most of their away games.这个队赢得了所有的主场比赛,但客场比赛大部分都输了。 OPP away
the home stretchthe last part of a long and often difficult activity, process, competition, etc.(长期且往往艰难的活动、过程、比赛等的)最后阶段,冲刺阶段Both candidates are making a large number of speeches in the home stretch of the campaign.在选举的最后阶段,两位候选人都在发表大量演说。

🔑homehome3 /hoʊm /


at, in, or to your home or home country在(或向)家;在(或向)祖国We stopped at Jack and Terri's house, but they weren't home.我们在杰克和特里的房子前停下,可他们不在家。We should go home soon.我们过会儿该回家了。She'll be flying home for the holidays.她将乘飞机回家过圣诞节假期。bring sth home to sbto make someone understand something fully使某人彻底理解某事Looking at those pictures of hungry children really brought home to me how lucky we are.看到那些饥饿儿童的图片,我真正明白了我们有多么幸运。

homehome4 /hoʊm /


home in on sb / sthto move toward someone or something朝…移动The police homed in on the house where the thieves were hiding.警察向窃贼藏身的房子靠近。




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