

词汇 nothing
🔑nothingnoth·ing /ˈnʌθɪŋ /


not anything; no thing没有什么;没有任何东西There's nothing in this suitcase.这个行李箱里什么都没有。Nothing exciting ever happens to me.我从没遇到过什么令人激动的事。There was nothing else to say.没有什么别的可说了。“What's the matter? “Oh, nothing.“怎么了?”“哦,没什么。”“Thank you so much for all your help. “It was nothing. (= nothing of any importance) “非常感谢你的一切帮助。”“没什么。”have nothing to do with sb / sthto have no connection with someone or something和…毫无关系;和…没有任何关联That question has nothing to do with what we're discussing.那个问题和我们正在讨论的内容没有任何关系。for nothing
  1. for no good reason or with no good result没有正当理由;徒劳;白白地His hard work was all for nothing.他的艰苦努力全都白费了。
  1. for no payment; free免费;不花钱Children under four are allowed in for nothing.四岁以下儿童免费入场。
nothing butonly只是;仅仅;只不过He was wearing nothing but a pair of swimming trunks.他除了一条游泳裤什么也没穿。(there's) nothing to it(it's) very easy很容易;很轻松You just need to practice there's nothing to it really.你只要练习就行了,这其实挺容易的。




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