

词汇 job
🔑jobjob AW /dʒɑb /


  1. the work that you do to earn money工作;职业My dad told me to go out and get a job.爸爸让我出去找份工作。
  look at work1
  1. a task or a piece of work that you have to do(一项)任务;(一件)工作I always have a lot of jobs to do around the house on weekends.周末我在家里总是有很多活要做。 SYN chore
  1. [usually singular] a function or responsibility责任;职责It's not his job to tell us what we can and can't do.轮不到他来告诉我们能做什么,不能做什么。
do a good, bad, etc. job (on sth)to do or finish something in a particular way干得好(或差等);将…办好(或坏等)The garage did a great job on our car.汽车修理厂把我们的车修得非常好。do the job / trick (informal) to get the result that is wanted起作用;管用;奏效good / nice job! (informal) used to praise someone after he / she has done something very well干得好;办得好;不错Good job, Amy! You should be proud of yourself.干得好,埃米!你应该为自己感到骄傲。on the jobwhile working; at work干活时;上班时;在工作岗位上He was fired for being drunk on the job.他因为上班时喝醉酒被解雇。on-the-job training在职培训out of a jobwithout paid work失业;没有工作 SYN unemployed
➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Jobs工作getting a job找工作look for worklook for / apply for / find / get a job (at a company)get / pick up / complete / fill out an application (form)send / e-mail your résumé/an application (form)/a cover letterbe called for / be invited for / attend an interviewdoing a job做工作arrive at / get to / leave work / the office / the factorystart / finish work / your shifthave / gain / get / lack / need experience/(the necessary) qualificationsdo / get / have / receive traininglearn / pick up / improve / develop (your) skillsleaving / losing your job离职;失业quit / resign from / lose / be fired from your jobgive your employer (two weeks) noticeget / be laid offbe unemployed / out of work / out of a job / looking for work




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