

词汇 rob
🔑robrob /rɑb /


[transitive] (rob·bing, robbed)rob sb / sth (of sth)
  1. to take something (money, property, etc.) from a person or place illegally抢劫;盗取to rob a bank抢劫银行Several people on the bus were robbed of their money and jewelry.公共汽车上有几个人的钱和首饰被抢劫了。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Steal or rob? * steal 还是 rob?You steal things. * steal 后接偷盗的物品Someone stole my phone!有人偷了我的手机!You rob people and places. * rob 后接被抢的人或场所I've been robbed!我被人抢了!He was arrested for robbing a bank.他因抢劫银行被捕。
  1. to take something away from someone or something that he / she / it should have抢走,剥夺(某人或某事物应得的东西)His injury robbed him of the chance to play in the Super Bowl.他的伤使他失去了参加超级碗比赛的机会。




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