

词汇 risk
🔑riskrisk1 /rɪsk /


  1. [countable, uncountable] risk (of sth / that…) a possibility (that something dangerous or bad could happen)风险;危险There's always a risk that the price will go up if you wait too long.如果你等太久,就有价格上涨的风险。Do you think there's any risk of fire?你认为有发生火灾的危险吗?
  1. [countable] a dangerous or stupid thing to do危险的事;愚蠢的事It was an unnecessary risk to pass that truck on the hill.没有必要去冒险在山上超越那辆卡车。
  1. [countable] a person or thing that might cause danger危险人物;会带来风险的事物That open window is a real security risk.那扇开着的窗户的确是个安全隐患。
at riskin danger有危险的Small children are most at risk from the disease.幼儿最易受到这种疾病的威胁。at your own riskhaving the responsibility for whatever may happen自担风险;自负后果This building is in a dangerous condition enter at your own risk.这是座危楼,进入者后果自负。at the risk of sth / doing sthwith the possibility of something bad冒着…的风险At the risk of sounding pushy, can I give you some advice?恕我冒昧,我可以给你提点建议吗?run the risk of (doing sth)to do something knowing that the result might be bad or unpleasant; to risk冒…的危险;冒险(做某事)If we don't leave early, we run the risk of missing the plane.如果我们不早一点出发,就有误飞机的危险。take a risktake risksto do something that you know might fail or be dangerous, etc.冒险(做某事)You shouldn't take risks when driving.开车时绝不能冒险。He's very young, but I'm prepared to take a risk and give him a job.他年纪很轻,但我还是愿意担点风险给他一份工作。

🔑riskrisk2 /rɪsk /


  1. to take the chance that something bad could happen冒…的风险If you don't study hard now, you risk failing your final exams.如果你现在不好好学习,期末考试就有可能不及格。
  1. to put something or yourself in a dangerous position使面临危险;使处于危险境地The man risked his life to save the little boy.那名男子冒着生命危险救了那个小男孩。




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