

词汇 rise
🔑riserise1 /raɪz /


  1. [countable] an increase上升;上涨;提高There has been a rise in the number of people out of work.失业人数有所增长。a sharp price rise价格的急剧上涨 OPP drop, fall➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库increasedescribing an increase描述增长The population of the United States increased gradually between 1980 and 2000.美国的人口在 1980 年至 2000 年间逐步增长。The population of the United States grew by 25% between 1980 and 2000.美国的人口在 1980 年至 2000 年间增长了 25%。Immigration figures shot up / rose sharply in the 1980s and continued to rise / increase dramatically in the 1990s.移民人数在 20 世纪 80 年代大幅增长,并且在 90 年代继续急剧上升。During the 1980s, there was a significant rise / increase in the number of immigrants settling in the United States. * 20 世纪 80 年代在美国定居的移民人数显著增加。
  1. [singular] the process of becoming more powerful or important兴盛;兴起His rise in the world of politics was remarkable.他在政界的崛起令人瞩目。
be on the riseto be increasing在增加;在增长Violent crime is on the rise in several major cities.几大城市的暴力犯罪在增加。give rise to sthto cause something引起;引发The news gave rise to considerable anxiety among many people.这消息给很多人带来相当大的焦虑。

🔑riserise2 /raɪz /


[intransitive] (past tense rose /roʊz / , past participle ris·en /ˈrɪzn /)
move upward上升
  1. to move upward, to become higher, or to increase上升;攀升;提高Smoke was rising from the chimney.烟从烟囱里升起。Her voice rose in anger (= became louder).她气得提高了嗓门。Do you think inflation will continue to rise?你认为通货膨胀会继续加重吗?The temperature has risen to nearly ninety degrees.温度已经上升到近 90 度。Let the dough rise for an hour.让面团醒一个小时。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库increasedescribing an increase描述增长The population of the United States increased gradually between 1980 and 2000.美国的人口在 1980 年至 2000 年间逐步增长。The population of the United States grew by 25% between 1980 and 2000.美国的人口在 1980 年至 2000 年间增长了 25%。Immigration figures shot up / rose sharply in the 1980s and continued to rise / increase dramatically in the 1990s.移民人数在 20 世纪 80 年代大幅增长,并且在 90 年代继续急剧上升。During the 1980s, there was a significant rise / increase in the number of immigrants settling in the United States. * 20 世纪 80 年代在美国定居的移民人数显著增加。
get up起身
  1. to stand up站起来;起立The audience rose and applauded the singers.观众起立为歌手们鼓掌。
  1. (formal) to get out of bed起床They rose at dawn in order to be in Washington by eight.为了在八点之前赶到华盛顿,他们黎明就起床了。 SYN get up
of sun / moon太阳;月亮
  1. (used about the sun, moon, etc.) to appear in the sky(太阳、月亮等)升起The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。 OPP set
become visible变得可见
  1. to show (as something tall above the surroundings)耸立;矗立A range of mountains rose in the distance.远处山峦叠起。
of sound声响
  1. to come from从…发出Shouts of protest rose from the crowd.人群中发出抗议的呼声。
  1. rise (up) (against sb / sth) to start opposing or fighting people in authority反抗;反叛;起义The people were afraid to rise up against the dictator.人们不敢起来反对独裁者。
become powerful / important变得强大/重要
  1. to move to a higher position (in rank, society, career, etc.)地位上升He rose rapidly within the company.他在公司的职位升得很快。
rise to the occasion, challenge, task, etc.to be successful in dealing with something by working harder or doing things better than you normally do成功应对局面(或挑战、任务等)Do you think she will rise to the demands of the job?你认为她能达到这一工作的要求吗?




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