

词汇 shame
🔑shameshame1 /ʃeɪm /


  1. [uncountable] the guilty feeling that you have when you think that you have done something morally wrong, something that causes other people to have a bad opinion of you, or something extremely embarrassing羞耻;羞愧;惭愧She was filled with shame at the thought of how she had lied to her mother.一想到自己对母亲撒了谎,她就满心愧疚。 adjective ashamed
  1. [uncountable] the ability to have shame羞耻心;羞愧感He doesn't care how he behaves in public. He has no shame!他在公共场合不注意行为举止,真是不知羞耻!
  1. [uncountable] loss of respect from others; loss of honor耻辱;丢脸There's no shame in finishing second.得第二名不丢人。His actions have brought shame on his whole family.他的所作所为令全家人蒙羞。
  1. a shame [singular] a fact or situation that makes you feel disappointed憾事;令人失望的情况;令人惋惜的事It's a shame you can't come. I was looking forward to seeing you.很遗憾你不能来,我一直盼着见你呢。“I failed my test. “Oh, that's such a shame.“我考试不及格。”“啊,太可惜了。”What a shame you have to leave so soon!你这么快就得走,真遗憾!
Shame on you! (informal) used to tell someone that he / she should feel ashamed真丢脸;真不害臊Shame on you for behaving like that in front of our guests!你在我们的客人面前做出这样的行为,真是丢人!

shameshame2 /ʃeɪm /


to make someone feel ashamed使羞愧;使惭愧




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