

词汇 pause
🔑pausepause1 /pɔz /


a short period of time during which something stops暂停;停顿He continued playing for twenty minutes without a pause.他连续演奏了 20 分钟没有停顿。a pause in the conversation谈话中的短暂停顿➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析A pause is a short period of time when you stop speaking or doing something. * pause 指说话或行动的短暂停顿After a brief pause, she answered.她稍稍停顿了一下之后才回答。A break is especially used in connection with periods of work or study, for example a lunch / coffee break in an office, a factory, or a school. * break 尤与工作或学习有关,如办公室、工厂或学校的 lunch / coffee break (午餐时间;喝咖啡休息时间)We've been working pretty hard – let's take a break.我们一直都在十分努力地工作,休息一下吧。students spending their spring break in Florida在佛罗里达州度春假的学生A break during the school day, especially after lunch, is called recess. A recess is also a longer period of time when work in Congress, Parliament, or in a court of law stops. * recess 指学校的课间休息,尤指午餐后的休息时间。recess 还指国会、议会的休会期或法院的休庭时间senators returning from the Memorial Day recess阵亡将士纪念日休会后重返国会的参议员We use intermission for a break in a concert or performance. * intermission 指音乐会或演出的幕间休息。

🔑pausepause2 /pɔz /


[intransitive] pause (for sth)
to stop for a short time暂停;停顿to pause for breath停下来喘口气




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