

词汇 represent
🔑representrep·re·sent /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt /


  1. to be a picture, sign, example, etc. of someone or something代表;体现The yellow lines on the map represent gravel roads.地图上的黄线代表石子路。an abstract painting that represents pain一幅表现痛苦的抽象画Which sound does this phonetic symbol represent?这个音标代表哪个音? SYN symbolize
  1. to describe someone or something in a particular way描述;描绘;展现Susan is represented as a very ordinary person in the book.在书中,苏珊被描写为一个很普通的人。 SYN characterize
  1. to be equal to相当于;意味着A 3% raise represents a drop in real income if you take inflation into account.如果把通货膨胀算进去,提薪 3% 意味着实际收入降低了。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库proportiondescribing fractions and proportions描述分数和份额According to this pie chart, a third of students' leisure time is spent watching TV.如饼分图所示,学生的闲暇时间有三分之一都花在看电视上。One in five hours is spent socializing.每五个小时中有一个小时花在社交活动上。Socializing accounts for / makes up / represents about 20% of students' leisure time.社交活动占去学生大约 20% 的闲暇时间。Students spend twice as much time playing computer games as they do playing sports.学生玩电脑游戏的时间是他们运动时间的两倍。
  1. to act or speak in the place of someone else; to be the representative of a group or country代表;担任(团体或国家)的代表You will need an attorney to represent you in court.你需要请一名律师代表你出庭。The ambassador represented the president at the funeral.那位大使代表总统出席葬礼。




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