

词汇 hell
🔑hellhell /hɛl /


  1. [singular] (religion宗教) the place that some religions say bad people will go to when they die地狱to go to / be in hell下地狱;在地狱里  look at heaven
  1. [countable, uncountable] (informal) a situation or place that is very unpleasant or painful悲惨的处境;受罪的地方He went through hell when his wife left him.妻子的离弃让他痛不欲生。
a / one hell of a… (informal) used to make an expression stronger or to mean “very”(加强语气)极,非常That was one hell of a surprise!那太令人吃惊了!She's a hell of a nice girl.她真是个好女孩。all hell breaks loose (informal) there is suddenly a lot of noise and confusion突然乱作一团;顿时闹翻天When he announced he was cutting salaries by 10%, all hell broke loose!当他宣布要减薪 10% 时,大家顿时一片哗然!from hell (informal) used to describe a very unpleasant person or thing; the worst that you can imagine十分讨厌;最糟糕;最坏They are the neighbors from hell.他们是极为可恨的邻居。give sb hell (informal) to speak to someone very angrily or to be very strict with someone把某人骂个半死;对某人很苛刻(just) for the hell of it (informal) for fun; for no good reason(只是)闹着玩;没有真正动机I looked at their web page the other day, just for the hell of it.有一天我看了看他们的网页,只因闲来无事。like hell (informal) very much; with a lot of effort非常;极其;十分努力地I'm working like hell (= very hard) these days.最近我在拼命工作。




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