

词汇 it
itIT /ˌaɪ ˈti /


(computing计算机) information technology (the study and use of electronic processes and equipment to store and send information of all kinds, including words, pictures, and numbers)信息技术(全写为 information technology)

🔑itit /ɪt /


  1. (used as the subject or object of a verb, or after a preposition) an animal or thing that was mentioned earlier, or that is being talked about now(用作动词的主语或宾语,或置于介词后,指提到过或正在谈论的动物或事物)它Look at that car. It's going way too fast.看那辆车,它开得太快了。The kids went up to the dog and patted it on the head.孩子们走到狗跟前,拍了拍它的脑袋。This box is heavy. What's inside it?这个箱子很重,里面装的是什么?
  1. used for identifying a person(用于指明身份)It's your mom on the phone.是你妈妈打来的电话。“Who's that? “It's the mail carrier.“是谁?”“是邮递员。”It's me!是我!It's him!是他!It's Mike!是迈克!
  1. used to refer to a baby whose sex you do not know(指婴儿,用于不知道其性别时)Is it a boy or a girl?是男孩还是女孩?
  1. used in the position of the subject or object of a verb when the real subject or object is at the end of the sentence(用作动词的逻辑主语或宾语,真正的主语或宾语在句末)It's hard for them to talk about their problems.要他们谈自己的问题很难。I think it doesn't really matter what time we arrive.我认为我们什么时间到达无关紧要。
  1. used in the position of the subject of a verb when you are talking about the time, the date, distance, the weather, etc.(用作主语,表示时间、日期、距离、天气等)It's almost 8:00.快 8 点了。It's Tuesday today.今天是星期二。It's about 50 miles north of New York City.在纽约城北大约 50 英里处。It was very cold last weekend.上个周末天气很冷。It's raining.正下着雨。
  1. used when you are talking about a situation(表示某种情况)It gets very crowded here in the summer.夏天这儿人满为患。I'll come at 7 o'clock if it's convenient.如果方便的话,我就 7 点过来。It's too bad they can't come to the party.他们不能来参加聚会,太可惜了。
  1. used for emphasizing a part of a sentence(用于强调句子的某一部分)It's John who's good at cooking, not me.擅长烹饪的是约翰,不是我。It's your health I'm worried about, not the cost.我担心的是你的健康,不是花多少钱。
that's it
  1. used for saying that you have had enough of a situation够了;打住That's it! I'm leaving and I'm not coming back.我受够了!我要走了,不回来了。
  1. that's right对了;正是这样Just move it a little bit higher that's it, right there.把它向上移动一点点就行,对了,就到那儿。




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