

词汇 same
🔑samesame1 /seɪm /


  1. the same (as sb / sth…) | the same (that…) not different, not another or other; exactly the one or ones that you have mentioned before相同的;同样的;同一的My brother and I had the same teacher in school.我弟弟和我上学时是同一个老师教的。She comes from the same town as I do.她和我来自同一个镇。I'm going to wear the same clothes as I wore yesterday.我打算穿昨天那身衣服。Are you the same person (that) I talked to on the phone yesterday?你是昨天和我通电话的那位吗?➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库similarlymaking comparisons进行比较This chart provides a comparison of the ways that teenage boys and girls spend their free time.这张图对十几岁的男孩和女孩的休闲方式进行了比照。In many cases, the results for boys and girls are virtually identical / the same.在很多方面,男孩和女孩的情况几乎是一模一样的。In many cases, the results for boys are nearly identical to / the same as those for girls.在很多方面,男孩的情况几乎与女孩的一模一样。The girls enjoy using social networking websites. Similarly, nearly all of the boys said that they spent at least two hours a week on such sites.女孩喜欢上社交网站。同样,几乎所有男孩都说他们一个星期至少花两个小时访问这些网站。
  1. the same (as sb / sth…) | the same (that…) exactly like the one already mentioned完全相似的;一模一样的I wouldn't buy the same car again (= the same model of car).我不会再买同一款车了。We both came to the party wearing the same outfit.我们俩穿了同样的服装参加聚会。I had the same experience as you some time ago.我以前有过与你相同的经历。I've had the same experience (that) you had.我和你有相同的经历。
at the same time
  1. together; at one time同时I can't concentrate on two things at the same time.我无法一心二用。Can he really watch TV and study at the same time?他真的能一边看电视一边学习吗?
  1. on the other hand; however另一方面;然而It's a really good idea, but at the same time it's pretty risky.这确实是个好主意,不过风险也很大。
be in the same boatto be in the same difficult situation as someone else处于同样的困境Nobody's happy about the boss's decision we're all in the same boat here.没有人乐意接受老板的决定,我们大家现在都处于相同的困境。by the same tokenin a similar way; using the same reasons同样地;出于相同的理由I agree that Dad shouldn't have gotten so mad at you. But, by the same token, you should try not to aggravate him so much.确实爸爸不应该对你这么凶。可是同样的道理,你也应该尽量避免让他这么生气。on the same wavelengthable to understand someone because you have similar ideas and opinions怀有同感;所见略同;合拍the same old sthused for something that has existed or has been used for a long time老一套;惯常的那一套He always gives the same old excuses.他给出的借口总是那老一套。

🔑samesame2 /seɪm /




  1. the same (as sb / sth/) the same thing, person, situation, etc.同样的事物;同样的人Is there another word that means the same as this?有没有一个其他的词能表示与此相同的意思?Look at what I'm doing and then do the same.看我怎么做,然后照着做。Things will never be the same again now that my mom has passed away.我妈妈去世了,情况就再也不一样了。
  1. the same in the same way; not differently同样地;不变地We treat everyone in the class the same.我们对班上所有人都一视同仁。
➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库similarlymaking comparisons进行比较This chart provides a comparison of the ways that teenage boys and girls spend their free time.这张图对十几岁的男孩和女孩的休闲方式进行了比照。In many cases, the results for boys and girls are virtually identical / the same.在很多方面,男孩和女孩的情况几乎是一模一样的。In many cases, the results for boys are nearly identical to / the same as those for girls.在很多方面,男孩的情况几乎与女孩的一模一样。The girls enjoy using social networking websites. Similarly, nearly all of the boys said that they spent at least two hours a week on such sites.女孩喜欢上社交网站。同样,几乎所有男孩都说他们一个星期至少花两个小时访问这些网站。all / just the sameeven though something is true; in spite of this / that尽管如此;虽然这样I understand your point of view. All the same, it doesn't change my opinion.我明白你的观点,但这不会改变我的看法。They tried to act naturally, but I knew just the same that something was wrong.他们努力想表现得自然一点,但我还是知道有什么地方不对劲。much the samevery similar很相似Polish food is much the same as German food.波兰的食品和德国的极为相似。same here (informal) the same thing is also true for me我也是;我也一样“I'm bored. “Same here.“我觉得没劲。”“我也一样。”(the) same to you (informal) used as an answer when someone says something rude to you or wishes you something(回应辱骂或祝愿)彼此彼此,你也一样“Have a nice weekend. “Same to you.“周末愉快。”“也祝你周末愉快。”




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