

词汇 sake
sakesake /seɪk /


for goodness'/Heaven's / Pete's sakeused as part of a question or order, to make it stronger or to show that you are angry(用于问句或命令,表示强调或恼怒)看在上帝分上,天啊,行行好What took you so long, for goodness' sake?天哪,什么事让你耗了这么长时间?For Heaven's sake, hurry up!看在老天爷的分上,快点!for the sake of sb / sthfor sb's / sth's sakein order to help someone or something为了…起见;因为…的缘故Don't go to any trouble for my sake.请你为了我,别去惹麻烦。They only stayed together for the sake of their children / for their children's sake.他们不分开只是为了孩子。for the sake of sth / of doing sthin order to get or keep something; for the purpose of something为了获得(或留住)某事物;为了…目的It's not worth complaining for the sake of a few pennies.为了几个小钱抱怨不值得。You're just arguing for the sake of arguing (= because you like arguing).你只是为了争吵而争吵。




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