

词汇 sail

sail1 /seɪl /


a large piece of strong material that is fastened onto a ship or boat. The wind blows against the sail and drives the ship along.set sailto begin a trip by sea起航;开航Columbus set sail for India.哥伦布扬帆启程前往印度。

🔑sailsail2 /seɪl /


  1. [intransitive] to travel on water in a ship or boat of any type; to move on water乘船航行;水上航行On the cruise, we sailed into the Caribbean.我们乘船游览,行至加勒比海。I stood at the window and watched the ships sailing by.我站在窗边,看一艘艘船驶过。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] (sport体育) to travel in and control a boat with sails, especially as a sport驾驶帆船(尤指作为体育运动)I've never sailed this kind of boat before.我以前从未驾驶过这种船。We often go sailing on weekends.我们周末经常驾驶帆船出游。
  1. [intransitive] to begin a trip on water起航When does the ship sail?船什么时候开?We sail for the Bahamas at six o'clock tomorrow morning.我们明天早晨六点起航前往巴哈马。
  1. [intransitive] to move somewhere quickly in a smooth or confident way飘;掠;翩然前行;昂首阔步The ball sailed over the fence and into the neighbor's yard.球掠过围栏,落入邻居的院子。Mary sailed into the room and sat down at the head of the table.玛丽翩然步入房间,在桌子的主位落座。
sail through (sth)to get through a test or a difficult process easily轻松通过(考试或困难过程)He studied hard and sailed through all his exams.他刻苦学习,轻松通过了所有考试。




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