

词汇 nor
🔑nornor /nɔr /




  1. (used after neither or not) and not(用于 nerther 或 not 后)也不I received neither a telephone call nor a letter during the whole six months.整整六个月我既没接到电话也没收到信。 (formal) Not a building nor a tree was left standing.没有一栋房屋或一棵树仍然立着没倒。➨ GRAMMAR 语法说明In this sense, nor can be used in the same way in formal English.表达此义时,nor 在正式英语中的用法与此相同“I haven't seen that play.” “Nor have I.”“我没看过那部戏。”“我也没看过。”When you use noteither, the order of words is different.用 not ... either 时,词序有所不同I don't eat meat and Tom doesn't either.我不吃肉,汤姆也不吃。“I haven't seen that play.” “I haven't either.”“我没看过那部戏。”“我也没看过。”
  1. (used after a negative statement to add some further information) also not(用于否定陈述后,表示补充信息)也不The sun hardly shone at all during the first week. Nor during the second, for that matter.第一个星期根本没有出太阳,第二个星期也同样没有。




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