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词汇 pull
🔑pullpull1 /pʊl /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to use force to move or try to move someone or something toward yourself拉;拖;拽;扯Wendy pulled at the rope to make sure that it was secure.温迪拉了拉绳子,看看是否牢固。to pull someone's hair拽某人的头发to pull a door open拉开门You push and I'll pull.你来推,我来拉。to pull the trigger of a gun扣动扳机They managed to pull the child out of the water just in time.他们设法及时把孩子从水中拽上来。 OPP push
  1. [transitive] to move something in the direction that is described(朝某方向)拉,拖动She pulled her sweater on / She pulled on her sweater.她套上毛衣。He pulled up his pants / He pulled his pants up.他提起裤子。Pull your chair a little bit closer to the table.把你的椅子往桌子跟前再拉近些。Pull the sheets off the bed.把床单从床上撤下来。
  1. [transitive] to move something behind you in the direction that you are moving将…拖在身后;牵引;拉The little boy pulled his wagon behind him.那个小男孩身后拖着他的小车。That cart is too heavy for one horse to pull.那辆马车太重,一匹马拉不动。
  1. [transitive] to damage a muscle, etc. by using too much force拉伤,扭伤(肌肉等)
pull sb's leg (informal) to make fun of someone by trying to make him / her believe something that is not true捉弄;和某人开玩笑pull the plug (on sb / sth) (informal) to force a plan, project, etc. to end强行中断The network pulled the plug on the series after only three episodes.这个系列剧只播放了三集就被电视台强行中断了。pull stringsto use your influence to gain an advantage凭影响谋取利益;走后门pull your weightto do your fair share of the work尽本分;尽职责 pull (sth) awayto move your body or part of it away with force挣开;挣脱She pulled away as he tried to kiss her.他想吻她,她挣开了。pull in (to sth)pull into sth(used about a car, etc.) to leave the road and enter another place in order to stop there(汽车等)驶向(某处)停靠He pulled into a gas station.他把车开进加油站停下。pull sth off (informal) to succeed in something做成;完成to pull off a business deal做成一笔生意pull out(used about a car, etc.) to move away from the side of the road(汽车等)驶出,驶离路边I braked as a car suddenly pulled out in front of me.一辆车突然从路边驶到我的车前,我立即刹车。pull (sb / sth) out (of sth)(to cause someone or something) to leave something(使)离开,退出The president has decided to pull all U.S. troops out of the region.总统决定把美国军队从那一地区全部撤走。We pulled out of the deal.我们退出了那宗交易。pull sth outto take something out of a place suddenly or with force(突然或用力)拔出,抽出She walked into the bank and pulled out a gun.她走进银行,突然拔出一把枪。pull (sb / sth) over(used about a car, etc.) to move to the side of the road in order to stop, or to order someone in a car to do this(汽车等)驶向路边停下;命令(司机)驶向路边停下Paul was pulled over by the police for speeding.保罗因为超速被警察叫到路边停车。pull yourself togetherto control your feelings and behave in a calm way使自己镇定下来;平复情绪Pull yourself together and stop crying.镇静一下,别哭了。pull up(used about a car, etc.) to stop(汽车等)停下to pull up to the traffic lights按交通灯信号停车

🔑pullpull2 /pʊl /


  1. [countable] a pull (at / on sth) an act of pulling拉;拖;拽;扯Give the handle a good pull.使劲拉一下手柄。
  1. [singular] a physical force or an attraction that makes someone or something move in a particular direction引力;吸引力the earth's gravitational pull地球的引力He couldn't resist the pull of the city.他无法抗拒这座城市的魅力。




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