

词汇 heart
🔑heartheart /hɑrt /


part of body身体部位
  1. [countable] (biology生物) the organ inside the chest that sends blood around the body心脏;心When you exercise, your heart beats faster.锻炼会使心跳加快。heart disease心脏病
feelings / emotions感情;心情
  1. [countable] the center of a person's feelings内心;心肠She has a kind heart (= she is kind and gentle).她心地善良。In my heart, I knew she was right.我心里知道她是对的。
  1. [singular] the most central part of something; the middle核心;要点;中央Rare plants can be found in the heart of the forest.这片森林的腹地可以找到稀有植物。 (figurative) Let's get straight to the heart (= to the most important part) of the matter.咱们直奔问题的核心吧。
  1. [countable] a symbol that is shaped like a heart, often red or pink and used to show love心形;(常指象征爱的)红心He sent her a card with a big red heart on it.他寄给她一张贺卡,上面有颗大大的红心。
in card games纸牌游戏
  1. hearts [plural] the group (suit) of playing cards with red shapes like hearts on them(纸牌中的)红桃,红心I know you have the queen of hearts!我知道你手里有红桃王后!
  1. [countable] one of the cards from this suit红桃牌;红心牌Play a heart, if you have one.如果有红桃就出一张红桃。
interest / attention兴趣;注意力
  1. [uncountable] complete interest or attention专心致志;专注He's not working well because his heart isn't in the job.他活儿干得不好,因为他没把心思用在工作上。
at heartreally; in fact其实;实际上My father seems strict, but he's a very kind man at heart.我父亲看上去严厉,但实际上他是个很善良的人。break sb's heartto make someone very sad让某人心碎;让某人悲痛欲绝by heartby remembering exactly; from memory靠背诵;凭记忆to learn a poem by heart背诵一首诗I can play three songs by heart.我单凭记忆能演奏三首歌曲。a change of hearta change in your opinion or the way that you feel改变看法;改变态度cross my heart (and hope to die) (informal) used for emphasizing that what you are saying is true(用于强调所说属实)我发誓,我赌咒do sth to your heart's contentdo something as much as you want尽情做某事Finally it was summer vacation and the kids could play at the beach to their hearts' content.终于放暑假了,孩子们可以在海边尽情玩耍。lose heartto believe that you will be unsuccessful失去信心;灰心;气馁not have the heart (to do sth)to be unable to do something unkind不忍心,狠不下心(做某事)I didn't have the heart to say no.我不忍心拒绝。take sth to heartto be greatly affected or upset by something深受…困扰;对…耿耿于怀young at heartbehaving or thinking like a young person, even if you are not young人老心不老your heart sinksto suddenly feel disappointed and sad心里一沉(表示突然感到失望和难过)When he heard they had given the job to someone else, his heart sank.当听说他们把那份工作给了别人时,他的心沉了下去。




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