

词汇 passage
🔑passagepas·sage /ˈpæsɪdʒ /


long narrow way狭长通道
  1. [countable] ( pas·sage·way /ˈpæsɪdʒweɪ /) a long, narrow way through something, especially one in a building that leads to other rooms走廊;通道;过道We had to go down a dark passage to reach the bathroom.我们得走过一条漆黑的走廊才能到达盥洗室。 SYN corridor
in the body身体
  1. [countable] a tube in your body which air, liquid, etc. can pass through(人体的)管路,通道the nasal passages鼻道
section from book书的章节
  1. [countable] a short part of a book, speech, or piece of music段落;章节;乐段The students were given a passage from the novel to study in detail.从这部小说中摘取了一段让学生研读。
  1. [uncountable] the movement or progress of someone or something from one place or stage to another迁移;旅行;经过We watched the ants' slow passage across the road.我们观察着蚂蚁慢慢穿过马路。
of time时间
  1. [uncountable](used about time) the passing(时间的)流逝,推移With the passage of time, these seeds will grow into beautiful flowers.随着时间的推移,这些种子将长成美丽的花朵。
  look at rite of passage




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