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词汇 pass
🔑passpass1 /pæs /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move past or to the other side of someone or something通过;经过;走过The kids waved to the clowns as they passed in the parade.孩子们向游行队伍中走过的小丑挥手。They passed a police checkpoint.他们通过了一个警察检查站。Do we pass a mailbox on the way to the store?我们去商店的路上会经过邮筒吗?DO NOT PASS (= on a sign) 禁止超车The car that passed us must have been going 80 miles an hour.从我们身边经过的那辆车时速准有 80 英里。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] pass (sth) along, down, etc. (sth) to go or move, or make something move, in the direction mentioned(沿某方向)移动,前进;使(沿某方向)移动Which towns do we pass through on the way to Boston?我们去波士顿途中要经过哪些城镇?A plane passed overhead.一架飞机从头顶上飞过。We'll have to pass the cord behind the couch.我们得把电线从长沙发后面穿过去。
  1. [transitive] pass sth (to sb) to give something to someone将…递给;传递Could you pass (me) the salt, please?请把盐递给我好吗?He passed the bottle to his father.他把瓶子递给了父亲。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] pass (sth) (to sb) (sport体育) to kick, hit, or throw the ball to someone on your own team传(球)
  1. [intransitive](used about time) to go by(时间)流逝,推移At least a year has passed since I last saw them.自我上次见到他们后,至少一年过去了。The time passed very quickly.时间过得飞快。
  1. [transitive] to spend time, especially when you are bored or waiting for something度过,打发,消磨(时间)I'll have to think of something to do to pass the time in the hospital.我得找点事做,好打发住院的时间。
test / exam测验;考试
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to achieve the necessary standard on an exam, a test, etc.通过;及格Good luck on the exam! I'm sure you'll pass.祝你考试好运!我肯定你能通过。 OPP fail
  1. [transitive] to test someone or something and say that he / she / it is good enough使通过考试;评定…及格The professor passed most of the people in her course.教授让上她这门课的大多数学生都及格了。 OPP fail
law / proposal法律;提案
  1. [transitive] (politics政治) to officially approve a law, proposal, etc. by voting(表决)通过(法律、提案等)One of the functions of Congress is to pass new laws.国会的一项职能是通过新的法律。
say / state something陈述
  1. [transitive] pass sth (on sb / sth) to give an opinion, a judgment, etc.宣布;发表(意见)The judge passed sentence on the young man (= said what his punishment would be).法官宣读了对那个年轻人的判决。
be allowed获准
  1. [intransitive] to be allowed or accepted得到允许;得到认可I didn't like what they were saying, but I let it pass.我不喜欢他们说的话,但也没有提出异议。
pass the buck (to sb)to make someone else responsible for a difficult situation把难题扔给(某人);把责任推卸给(某人) pass sth along / on (to sb)to give something to someone else, especially after you have been given it or used it yourself(用后)递给,传给;转交;转达Could you pass along the message to Eli, please?请把这条消息转达伊莱好吗?pass awayused as a polite way of saying “die”逝世(die 的婉辞)The old man passed away in his sleep.老人在睡梦中去世了。pass by (sb / sth)to go past经过;走过I pass by your house on the way to work.我上班路上经过你家。pass sth downto give or teach something to people who will live after you have died把…传给后人;使流传The family home has been passed down from one generation to the next.这栋家庭住宅一代一代地传了下来。pass for sb / sthto be accepted as someone or something that you are not被错当成;被误作You'll never pass for a real cowboy in that ridiculous hat.你戴那顶滑稽的帽子也绝不会被看成是真正的牛仔。pass sb / sth off (as sb / sth)to say that a person or a thing is something that he / she / it is not假称…是;冒充He tried to pass the work off as his own.他试图将那个作品谎称是自己的。pass out (health医疗保健) to become unconscious昏迷;失去知觉 SYN faint OPP come topass sth upto choose not to make use of an opportunity, etc.放过;放弃;错过The offer was too good to pass up.这个提议太好,不能错过。

passpass2 /pæs /


  1. (sport体育) the act of kicking, hitting, or throwing the ball to someone on your own team传球
  1. an official card or piece of paper that gives you permission to enter or leave a building, travel on a bus or train, etc.通行证;乘车证;车票Visitors must obtain a pass from the reception desk.来访者必须在接待处领取通行证。a bus pass公共汽车乘车证
  1. (geography地理) a road or way over or through mountains山路;山口;关隘The pass was blocked by snow.山口被雪封住了。
  1. a successful result on an examination, etc.(考试等的)通过,及格,合格There are no letter grades in this course. Students will receive a “pass” or a “fail.这门课不用字母等级评分,学生要么得“及格”,要么得“不及格”。




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