

词汇 part
🔑partpart1 /pɑrt /


piece / area, etc.片段、地区等
  1. [countable] (often without a / an 常不与 a / an 连用) part (of sth) one of the pieces, areas, periods, divisions, etc. of something; some, but not all部分;片段;区域Which part of Chile do you come from?你来自智利的哪个地区?I enjoyed some parts of the movie.我喜欢这部电影的某些片段。A large part of my job involves dealing with the public.我的工作大部分是与公众打交道。Part of the problem is lack of information.一部分问题是缺乏信息。a part of the body身体部位Getting up in the morning is always the hardest part of the day.早上起床往往是一天中最难的事。
in machine机器
  1. [countable] one of the essential pieces that make up a machine零件;部件They couldn't find the right spare parts for my car at the repair shop.修理店找不到适合我的车的备用零件。
equal portion等份
  1. [countable] an amount or quantity (of a liquid or substance)(液体或物质的)份,等份Use one part (of) juice concentrate to three parts (of) water.一份浓缩果汁兑上三份水。
for actor演员
  1. [countable] a role or character in a play, movie, etc.角色He played the part of Macbeth.他扮演麦克白的角色。a small part in the school play学校排演的戏剧中的一个小角色
in activity活动
  1. [countable, uncountable] part (in sth) a person's share in an activity, event, etc.参与;参加Did you have any part in the decision?你参与决策了吗?
in hair头发
  1. [countable] the line on your head where you divide your hair and it goes in different directions(头发的)分缝a center / side part头发中分/侧分
the best / better part of sthmost of something; more than half of something, often a period of time大部分;(常指时间的)多半They've lived here for the better part of forty years.过去四十年的大部分时间他们都住在这里。for the most partusually or mostly通常;多半The countryside is, for the most part, flat and uninteresting.乡村大多平淡无趣。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库generallyways of saying “in general”表示“大体上、通常”的不同说法In general / Generally / Generally speaking, women do not earn as much as men.总体而言,女性的薪酬低于男性。Senior management positions are held mainly / mostly / predominantly by men.高层管理职位大多由男性担任。Most senior management positions tend to be occupied by men.大多数高层管理职位往往由男性担任。Women are, for the most part, still paid less than men in the business world.在商界,女性在大多数情况下得到的薪酬比男性少。for my, your, etc. partas far as it concerns me, you, etc.就我(或你等)而言I, for my part, am willing to go.就我来说,我愿意去。in partnot completely; to some extent部分地;在一定程度上The accident was, at least in part, the fault of the driver.这起事故至少部分归咎于司机。on the part of sb / on sb's partmade, done, or felt by someone在某人方面;由某人所为I'm sorry. It was a mistake on my part.对不起,这是我的错。There is concern on the part of the teachers that class size will increase.教师方面担心班级规模将会扩大。play a part (in sth)to have a share in something or to have an effect on something参与;在…中起作用take part (in sth)to join with other people in an activity参与;参加He was unable to take part in the race because of his recent accident.因为最近的事故,他不能参加赛跑。Everyone took part in the discussion.每个人都参加了讨论。 SYN participate

partpart2 /pɑrt /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] part (from sb); part sb (from sb) (formal) to leave or go away from someone; to separate people or things离开(某人);(与某人)分离We exchanged telephone numbers when we parted.我们临别时互留了电话号码。She parted from her husband several years ago.她几年前与丈夫分手了。He hates being parted from his kids.他不愿意与孩子分开。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to divide or separate(使)分开,分离The curtains parted and a face looked out.窗帘拉开,一张脸露了出来。
  1. [transitive] to separate the hair on the head into two sections, creating a clear line分开(头发);将(头发)梳成分头Don't part your hair in the middle. It looks awful.你不要梳中分头,那很难看。
part company (with sb / sth)to go different ways or to separate after being together(和…)分道扬镳,分手 part with sthto give or sell something to someone else将某物送人;卖掉When we went to live in Japan, we had to part with our horses and dogs.我们移居日本时,只得把马和狗送人了。

partpart3 /pɑrt /


not completely one thing and not completely another部分地;不完全地A mule is part donkey and part horse.骡子是半驴半马。




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